Saturday, March 20, 2010. A rather emotional day. Our last day of business in Yardley, Pa.

After 18 years of retail in Yardley, we closed the door at the 1 South Main location, and it wasn't without a tear or two.
I made my famous homemade brownies for all my visitors and set off for my last day of business at the flagship location, not looking forward to the emotions of the day. While I am certainly looking forward to more space, I have tender feelings and sentimental memories of my Yardley location. I'll miss my windows!

The day was filled with visits from many of our best and most loyal customers dropping by to wish us well and see the Yardley store "just one more time". Just one of many fine friends, Barbara (a visitor nearly every day...and I'm not kidding!) Actually, we think Barbara could start her own Black-eyed Susan should we need a satellite store!

Towards the end of the day, it was looking pretty bleak I must admit. I mean, after all, have you ever seen my star mantle look like this before?!

Here's a rather motley crew of assorted mirrors and lonely clocks, all without purpose or design. Sad, sad, sad, Very sad, sad. (That's a little "Jan talk"). But that's how I felt too.

Here's a rather motley crew of assorted mirrors and lonely clocks, all without purpose or design. Sad, sad, sad, Very sad, sad. (That's a little "Jan talk"). But that's how I felt too.

Joanne and I shed a little tear together as we looked around at the bleak state of the store in the final hour and played a little "remember when"...she left and I was left to lock the back door. I felt a bit like I look in this self-portrait! (I think a bit of lipstick would have been in order, what was I thinking?!)

Driving out of the parking lot, this sign on my former retail/turned studio brought another tear to my eye...goodbye, Yardley. Thanks to all my darling, loyal clients who loved the Yardley store as much as I.
And now I have to concentrate on "The Best is Yet to Come"! See you soon in Buckingham.