Wednesday, April 25, 2012

High Point Style Report Day 6

On the last day of any market, you're just done. DONE. No matter how cool something is, you're done.

The fact that we had another day of cool,blustery weather didn't help.

We did check off our list the last of the showrooms we had on our list.
We signed up with a new vendor to sell upholstered dining chairs and beds.
We ordered from four main vendors for the retail inventory.
We spent a good bit of our time walking the city without the presence off shuttles.
We had room on the elevators, as much of the buyers have gone home. *sigh*
We had slim pickin's for lunch, as most showrooms had no lunch spreads.
We saw too many mirrors which reminded us of too many bad hair days.
We vowed to go on fasts for the next week to purge ourselves of the m&m binge eating.
We rushed home to pack our bags and print out our route home.

Home. Ahhhhh

Even the vendors are done. DONE. Even their displays are done.  

Our notes, catalogs and spread sheets are packed. We're done. Home looks pretty good.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

High Point Style Report Day 5

5 days of style sightings is a long time. A. Long. Time. As we head into day 6, my team of four is  wearing weary! Shoes are all hurting...rain is getting old...wind is irritating...early morning showers are not rewarding...Market snacks are getting boring...rolling carts are getting too heavy...shivering is making us cranky...note taking is a drag. All in all, we're about ready to call it a trip. Just one more day. Out of the 33 vendors we hoped to see today, we saw 5. Oh. My. Tomorrow, our plan is to split into two groups and make haste! 

I have a good bit of work to do tonight, so I'm only going to show you a few things from today. This new Blogger format is stretching my patience with the learning curve. We're going to help our friend Jan stamp 600 wedding invitations , make a wreath for her, download all the photos, review the new resources and record client accomplishments before turning in.

 Look at this creative display at our first stop, an ever favorite, Suyra Rugs. Giant balls of colorful yarns! So appropriate for a 26,000 square foot rug showroom.

This colorful find cheered us all! Vivid chrome yellow leather with charcoal accents. Wow.

Best bold contrast! Lime and charcoal bedroom. (Check out the bedside tables with circular opening).

This looks like a sepia photos, but actually it was in all neutrals of greys and creams! I loved this oval glass table. Great style. Great price! Watch for this as a new addition.

Couldn't agree more!

Cool modern headboard, but where are the lamps?! Sorry about the feeling of sepia...

At the end of the day, we saw this cool prop mantle with an insert of mirror!!! I'm going to get Sneelock right on that.   

On the ride home, we took inventory of the square feet of showrooms we walked. 

GRAND TOTAL OF WALKED SHOW ROOM SPACE: 147,000. That was just today! We paled at the thought of the additional walking about town from center to center. 

No wonder our feet hurt. 

Style really takes a tole.

Monday, April 23, 2012

High Point Style Report Day 4

Freezing cold wind hindered our enjoyment of the day today. Ugh. We dashed from building to building and shivered in shuttle lines trying to see all the vendors on our very aggressive list. At 6:30 pm, we headed one last time back to the main building , each one of us in open-toes shoes and murmuring under our breath for the 3 block walk in gale storm winds.

Back in the home of our darling friend, Jan, we are still trying to warm up and prepare for tomorrow's adventure. Each day becomes a bit more intense with the remaining show room list seeming impossible.

Today's design research included upholstered furniture; art; rugs and more of the same. I always try to source new vendors and fresh ideas while at the High Point show, while taking in the latest trends and fresh color directions.

Just take a look at the selection of new fabrics offered by our main furniture line. We scoured the choices to hand carry our favorites back to the design studio.  
We found a great upholstered bed resource that will make retailing so much easier for all!

I loved these square upholstered otto-coffee tables! The color in my photo doesn't so it justice, they were a great bright pear color!

I was on the lookout for the perfect host and hostess chair...voila! (not necessarily that fabric, although it was cool).

Closeup of a new barrel chair in gray and orange graphic print! 

LOVE these very tall wing tufted wing chairs. And, I'm just telling you they are very comfy! Really.

Honestly, this is not a tufted coffin...but the coolest long coffee table/ottoman, I'm using this for the first client who agrees. Any takers?

Wonderful bright orange flat weave rug. Orange!

Vintage reproduction massive bookcase. Marrying this style with a punch of modernism is a great formula. The gray color is an equal partner in the formula!

These square based reclaimed tables with blue stone tops. I want to use these with a pair of extra long sofas.Wish I had the room myself.

Extra large foyer chandelier...on the short list!

At one of our last stops, I found this silver tray, approximately 42-48". I can't wait to get these. I have a great idea for an event class around these.  

 Juliana just finished the punch list for tomorrow...32 and counting. Pray for sun and no wind.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

High Point Style Trend Report Day 3

Rain. 50 degree weather. Mid April. North Carolina...what's wrong with this picture?! We elected to stay in one location today due to the above. Holy Moly. I certainly did not bring shoes for this combination of unfortunate parts of the design puzzle.

We saw some great things and worked almost 12 hours, ending our day with heavier rolling carts, tired feet, and more information than our brains could retain. Design is inspiring! (Well, there are always a few things that should never make the vendor lists...).

I bought these Ming zodiac figures for library accents! (Don't worry, I'm saving several of them for each of my daughters...)

Lots of color again...everywhere! Orange and hot pink high gloss drum chandeliers, Oh. My.   

I couldn't resist these chartreuse porcelain accent vases!

Great graphic rugs everywhere!

Another colorful bounty! The colors were much more vibrant than my photo indicates....all shapes, sizes and styles. Color reigns in accents.

There are still beautiful, delicate colors available. This fabulous French oval table is just waiting for your beach house.

These lidded urns were almost the exact color of Sherwin Williams Sea Salt. As the name implies, it is a calm, soft blue-gray, a personal favorite and often specified in my designs.

On one of our last stops through the High Design halls, I ran across these high polished stainless steel dining chairs! Great price. Great style. (Linda pointed out, however, that a mother could keep busy all day long polishing the fingerprints off). *sigh* The price we pay for style.

I'll leave you with one last design vision! Who wouldn't want to have this art gracing the walls of their laundry room?! I know that's how I look when I do my laundry.

Another full day completed. Many style sightings. 

I won't deny that I'm happy to be in comfy wool socks and fleece lounge clothes, even in North Carolina.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

High Point Trend Report Day 2

Back from another long day! Here are just a few of the things that caught my eye.


I love this very "anthropology-esque" wall arrangement-all bird themed! The grey walls were the perfect backdrop for this very french bed dressed in taupes and robin egg blues. Ahhhhh,

Another day of color!

Darling new slipper chair options!

I ordered this cool desk for one of my staff...,and maybe a client! 
At the end of the day, we have two rolling carts to edit and organize for another long day tomorrow.

More style to follow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

High Point Trend Report!

The first day of High Point Market...always an adventure! Jackie and I headed out the door at a good time and got to the shuttle location in record time! I actually thought the shuttles were not running on the first (unofficial) day of market, as we passed 6 lots that were empty with no flagmen furiously directing the traffic flow as usual...until we rounded one last corner and found Lot #1! Voila! This will undoubtedly be the one and only day we don't have to fight the crowds.

Lots of color and graphic pattern! Orange. Oh. Yes. Orange...a personal favorite (along with Pantone!)

 Here's one for Linda! Hot pink...another graphic. Tradition meets hip!

 Aqua continues to be bold with pink and orange sharing space.

And look at these lime green leather ottomans...not to mention that chair. Pick any Benjamin Moore color and they'll customize your chair. I like it.
 I found this darling chair with a print contrast outside back...I couldn't resist, as after all, it is chartreuse!

Chic slipcover! Check out the banding. Love. It.

 *note to self* Never, no never, no never trust a sales rep to photograph you...I did find this low backed bench that was my size (short legs and all...)It was a perfect fit. Seriously, comfort + style.


Look at these hip wing chairs. Urban. Cool. Comfortable.


 I love this super long tufted ottoman!


All of you dog lovers know the market for dog friendly furniture! This chair was marketed as one that all dogs love! (Their head rests in this open cradle, I can just see it!)


Dog beds made from Sunbrella fabrics!!!! Great news, because they are stylish, machine washable and Clorox friendly! Yes.

We did a little art shopping...lots of graphic prints, following suit with the furniture makers.

We hit a new resource who is just launching The Martha Stewart Fine Furniture line. Tomorrow is kick off day. Anyone out there think we should carry the line? Right now, we're first in line to be the area retailer. Just thinking.

From her collection, this beautiful gray with interior sea salt colored shelves....I'm sure she designed it for my personal milk glass collection.


 I did love this bedroom collection from her new launch. Clean. Modern. Fresh.

We ended the day with a slow walk back to the car. Ahhhhhh.

 Style search success.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Finally, a Progress Report!

Designer's always exciting when the room begins to look like the vision you've had in your mind for several months!

Sneelock and I arrived early with a truck load of supplies, tools and snacks. Yesterday was the delivery day of the basket upon basket of accessories from the store that will put the personality into the room.

Today's agenda: *install 8 drapery panels
*install the additional layer to extend the mantle (birthday gift from my son, Ryan!)
*pray expert wall paper hangar shows to complete the bookcase
*hang two over sized mirrors in plaster walls...ugh.
*hang large super glossy lacquer photograph over mantle
*unpack and sort a plethora of baskets full of possible accessories
*pull out my magic wand

The room is always a bit overwhelming with supplies, inventory, tools, and any number of "what if I need this" items...for now the dining room table serves as a catch-all for these things.

Said expert paper hanger arrives and quickly sets up to get started. Karl Oerth, thank you! Sneelock draws the line at some tasks...thus, Karl to the rescue. I couldn't be in better hands.

Just to seal the deal, I came armed with a plate of my famous frosted brownies. One has gone missing early in the day...Karl, of course!

Okay. Take a look! The first photo of my design vision beginning to take shape. Just look at those high gloss walls and ceiling!! Yes, it shows imperfections, but what about that high gloss??!! Oh. My. The draperies are beginning to go up and you can see one window in this photo. You can also get a peak at my charcoal zebra rug!

This is a pretty good shot of the extra layer for the mantle that my son, Ryan, built. Often, when mantle is not sufficiently deep enough for my signature style of layered accessories, I suggest this fix. He did a great job and my 9" deep horse sculpture fit just fine. I'm trying out two different colors of phalenanopsis orchids...which do you like?!

Here's a closeup of the drapery fabric. Love. It. Oh, and the paint is Benjamin Moore Crushed Velvet. It's mixed in an industrial formula to achieve the super high gloss. Love. It.

Here's one of my side chests grounding the glamorous mirror and modern lamp.

Karl completed his somewhat laborious task, as all of the shelves were stationary. Good work, Karl! (Can you just adore that graphite tone on tone zebra pattern?! It will be the perfect backdrop for my books, coral and contrast accents. (Yet to come...)

I unpacked a few baskets and placed some possible accents in the bookshelves just to ponder...

Stood back and studied my mantle design...added several more options...stood back...pondered...stood get the picture.

I'm planning on using these real preserved boxwood spheres. Dining room table accents have changed a bit in the last few years! This is just a peak... not completed by any means. *note the zebra rug*!!!

Doors close for work each day at 4:00pm. We worked down to the wire, tarried a bit and finally drew work to a close at the prompt of the committee chair on staff. *sigh* Another day.

This is the view from the hall outside our room as we left. Dust is a real enemy and our room is pretty central to dust from all sides! Double ugh.

All in all, it was a very satisfying day and one I always look forward to. Sneelock too...(just kidding)!

So, once again, he saved the day. It's beginning to look like the baby I created,

and there's more to come with the final additions.

What is it about a lipstick high gloss dining room, anyway?.........