Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Penthouse upcoming news!
I attempted to upload all the photo docs and proceeded to write my descriptions and copy, only to discover that nothing was saved in the auto save mode! Drat!!
All of my photos went back to their original position and the copy was gone......it was quite an extensive documentation!! Should tomorrow prove to be a bit earlier than tonight......count on it!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Penthouse part II
Enter into the foyer of the 20th floor. Did I tell you before that the elevator only goes to the 17th floor and one walks the remaining floors to "the top"! My lighting wasn't the best here, but I papered the foyer in chocolate and bronze metallic wallpaper. It's rich and dramatic. This 6 ft eglimoise mirror speaks for drama and beauty. We draped beautiful greens over the top and added this cypress wreath to adorn the bust. Enter Christmas!!

Another view of the fab wallpaper...with an original oil painting in the colors of the foyer. This city street scene was a favorite that was hand selected and framed on a buying trip to High Point. I love adorning art and mirrors with realistic greens and boughs. I tied a gold ornament to embellish the greens on this one. Use several types of greens for interest. Come in to the store and I'll give you my tricks and tips on securing the greens!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Penthouse Holiday!

One of two vans as we pulled up to the "servant's" entrance to unload.....no riff-raff allowed (even if it is 18K worth of Christmas!!)

Van #2, containing one 8 foot ladder for the short staff (who, me?) and a 6 foot ladder for the normal crew.....Box after box of handblown glass ornaments in hot pink, champaign, chocolate, and ivory----breathtaking!

Susan shaping the top section of the first 10' tree. Whew! One down, 7 to go.......we set up three additional trees on each outdoor balcony! (More to come later.......)

These fabulously glamourous silk drapery panels were the inspiration for this tree! (Note the hot pink silk with silk ball fringe!) This tree was designed with hot pink shiny, matte and frosty ornaments punctuated by all shades of creamy accents. A vision of delight!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Language of Style

My cutest of cute clients, Sue, showed up the other day with a fabulously stylish new car! Wait! I mean, a seriously stylish car! Usually seen in her own stylish tennis gear, she indulged me while I photographed and detailed pure style.

Here's the dashboard. Again, pure style! Brushed chrome. (I think it's only trumped by Sue's super stylish kitchen!)

Just a little Christmas!

Two tiny little snowmen peering through their windows!

Fabulously tiny mache houses in the window sill!
Wee little mache snowman "Joy"!
Perhaps the tiniest little tinsel wreath ever! Way cute!
Miniature, slightly larger beautiful green glass ornaments. To give, to keep, to stash!

Never has there been a tinier candle snuffer. Perfect for gift giving with our best selling scents!
So, there you have it! My personal favorites of teeny, tiny treasures. All for the joy of Christmas giving. Hope to see you soon! (I'm trying to get teenier, myself!)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
turkey feathers.......
November 1st. It's official,the Holiday's are here!
I always love the end of October. It makes me feel justified in having the retail set up in full Holiday regalia. Yesterday, on the drive in to the store, I came across an entire flock of wild turkeys! Then I knew for sure that the Holidays were just around the corner. I parked my car and quietly walked to get a view for a great blog shot! But just as I took the first step, they startled and wobbled away. No flying, just fast, noisy walking! And they can move FAST!

Within moments the entire flock had migrated up the hill to this historic outbuilding, clearly out of camera shot!

This one above is a stand of mums, all one color. What drama! And, orange to boot!

A shot in the woods the night Sneelock and I cut the branches for the store window.

Fabulous flaming color against the fall blue sky, compliments of Sneelock!

There's really just no place like the East for viewing the beauty and inspiration of Fall. When time permits, I can be found hand selecting fine specimens of fallen, vibrant leaves. Large and small-yellow, orange, red and chocolate. There is something theraputic in the hunt.
Welcome, fall.