Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Susan on a roll...

Today we spent an hour with a darling client, Brenda! Okay, I'm just going to say it right off, I forgot to document anything with my camera...drat!

During our month long gig at The Bucks County Designer house, where we did the living room, we passed out complimentary one hour consultations as an introduction to our services! Brenda took us up on it, and we so enjoyed her quaint and personal home. She had loads of interesting areas where she "broke the rules" (!) and great style sense. I never cease to be amazed at how apologetic clients get-over what?!

Brenda was amazed and most likely a bit overwhelmed at the plethora of ideas that spewed forth. I can talk pretty fast! And, when ideas are just abundant, it's hard sometimes not to say too much. She kept wondering how I came up with ideas, on and on, but did her best to furnish yet another room for inspiration. When she asked me how I did this, I realized that I felt totally free to recommend everything that came to me, without reservation, because I wasn't really trying to sell any of them! In a complimentary consultation, it's more about what I would do and not so much about giving advice that someone could immediately embrace. It's more about expanding the imagination (as Anne of Green Gables would do!) and stretching your comfort zone beyond what you would do on your own. It was really a fun and rewarding appointment, as most all of the ideas were met with enthusiasm! Thanks, Brenda!

And, I am truly sorry that I didn't document one single idea while I was there....you'd think I would have the knack by now.

Perhaps there will be another chance to snap some shots of this way cute house. We'll see.


Denise said...

I relate to feeling rather apologetic when you come to my house, but not because of anything you do to make me feel that way. I guess I just want you to know that I know that some things are just stupid--a disclaimer of sorts.

I love listening to your rapid-fire ideas and think Brenda is lucky indeed!

Jill said...

I'd love to read what Brenda has to say after such a great hour with you!

Lee said...

How dare you not show pics! Hmmm!
I'm sure she was thrilled to have you over.
PS. I updated my last post to please you Miss Susan.

michelle said...

I have plenty-o-disclaimers as well. You really DO need to document all of your ideas! I can't imagine.