The joy of collecting, no matter what you like to collect, is compounded when shared with another...yes, collector! Today I started out my morning in the charming historic farmhouse of Julie Borge, kindred spirit collector and creator. Julie is a regular at Black-eyed Susan as well as a supporter of events and eccentric dreams. It's that kind of creative genes that draw us together as kindred spirits!
What a joy it was to tour her wondrous home and be inspired by another's vision. Like Julie, I take pleasure in sharing ideas as well as finding joy in another's ideas. Our creative vision is expanded when this kind of abundance mentality is embraced.
So, what does Julie collect? Oh, my! Her collections are too numerous to name, but some of the ones that spoke to my heart were; nests (the real McCoy!), buttons (of course!), art-including original, heirloom, and children's. At every turn, something to please the eye and delight!

The dining room mantle was a delight with nest after nest filled with the most unexpected decorative eggs! Watch below for a closeup of a button covered egg, fashioned by Julie.

Just another closeup...

Closeup of button egg!

When I exclaimed with delight over the mudroom, Julie explained to me that these baskets house "off season" items, such as hats, gloves, water shoes...and the children's snacks!!!

Downstairs, I found these vintage tiles pieced into a wondrous design around a cozy fireplace. Great color and great pattern!
What a fun way to start out my day! I seldom take time for frivolous pleasures. A pleasure that inspires me and expands my imagination is a true joy. Thanks, Julie!
Watch for Julie to be a guest speaker at an upcoming event. She'll inspire you too!
What a delight! I love collections, especially ones that involve buttons. Those tiles are marvelous.
I love the buttons within the nests! And those tiles really are marvelous. I would love to spend an afternoon knitting and reading in Julie's home.
WHAT IS THAT LAST COMMENT ALL ABOUT? And as for me I love the ladder that you can get a sneak peek at for reaching those darling baskets!
I need me some nests...spring is coming! (In fact I was in your store the day before you posted this...why-oh-why didn't i bring home that one i had in my hands!? Grrr. I'll be back!) ;-)
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