What a week!
Sorry for the lack of posts, but every night was a late one, way too late to indulge in a new post.
One night I stayed late with Sneelock's help and redid the front windows. It's always an event with conflicting feelings. I love the creative high that goes along with seeing the "window plan" come to life. It generally changes somewhat during the execution, according to spontaneous creativity that comes into my brain, but the end result is always satisfying. That is good, because if it were not so, the amount of energy and manpower (woman power)! that goes into it would do one in.
The other nights I just stayed late working in my office.
We had at least three new appointments this week whose objective was to get rid of clutter while coming up with a great new design direction! What is it about clutter, anyway? I can only tolerate it for so long (a few days, at best) and then it gets the best of me. No matter how tired I may be, or how irritated I may be that someone else has caused the clutter, or at least added to the clutter(!), I must put things away and tidy up. After this week's appointments, however, I have come to realize that "clutter" is entirely in the eyes of the beholder! One person's clutter is nothing compared to another person's idea of clutter!
That being said, meet Cindy.

(Never mind that my head looks twice as big as hers (not real, just a result of the self-portrait camera operation)! The double chin, on the other hand, oh so real......sad,sad,sad.
The irony of the appointment was how perfectly clean, polished and totally uncluttered Cindy's house was! I will mention that she, however, was one of the complainers about how she couldn't stand clutter (indicating that she felt she was fighting this problem)! I will go on the record as saying that I have never seen her home in any remote state of clutter!
Anticipating our appointment early that morning, I was recalling to memory just how long Cindy had been my client. I believe we go back almost 20 years! Cindy was one of my very first design clients after moving to Bucks County. It is very rewarding to have such a loyal and entertaining, clutter-free relationship! Her home has evolved several times over and her children are now grown up and delightfully beautiful (or handsome)! refined young adults. How does this happen?!

As for my own issue with clutter, check out my design table, covered (all 12') of it, with fabric books, trim books, fabric memos, option #1, option#2, option #3 and so on and so on and so on.......It's a really cool project that I'll fill you in on later, but a major amount of clutter right now. Yikes! Cindy, just close your eyes.
Watch for the de-cluttering of my workspace and the de-cluttering of several homes of my favorite clients. Good luck with your own tasks.
**How do you deal with clutter?
**Do you have any small spaces that are a challenge?
I ADORE that pink and chocolate room!!!!...It makes me want to totally redo my girls' room!
P.S.--I forgot to answer the question of how I deal with clutter...
Whenever I go somewhere that is cluttery I come home and start throwing things out (sometimes even when they probably shouldn't be thrown out)--One time when I was visiting my mom (who has an enormous amount of "stuff")
I came home and borrowed my neighbor's chainsaw and started hacking off limbs of the trees in the front yard...(there was nothing to throw out in my house and I needed to unwind). This seemed like the only way at the time to have that uncluttered feeling...
Needless to say, when my arborist made a visit a month or so later, he remarked that they probably would never be interested in hiring me as a tree trimmer... :(
Susan I saw you the other night when you were doing your windows with your husband. I was getting out of starbucks with my son who was already late for a Basketball game. I blinked my lights and caused you to look and then I waved but I know you didn't know it was me. It was too dark. I would have loved to chat but Matt was already late.
I'm going to your workshop with Lisa and KC. Can't wait.
How do I deal with clutter? Simple rule in my house, "if you haven't seen it for a year then you never needed it or wanted it." Put in good will bag and say sionara! (spell check on sionara)
"Do I have any small spaces that are a challenge?" How about my whole house! Which, by the way, is a complete clutter at present, due to the costuming frenzy currently in progress. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!
Oh my my my. Clutter is my Everest. It's a problem for me everywhere I turn. I wish I had Jessie's objectivity about throwing things away... something I am slowly making progress with.
Having just returned from cleaning out my father in-laws home, as he had moved into a retirement home I could write a book on clutter! After cleaning and sorting and cleaning and sorting, I decided to take control of things (shock, shock) and I called 1-800-GOT-JUNK. All I can say is I highly recommend this as a solution for all clutter junkies!!! Needless to say the clutter problem was solved.
I keep forgetting to include my name, I really must open an account!
I hate clutter so much and yet have bunches of it in closets and in my office. I don't have it out in our main living areas or bedroom though so I think that's what keeps me sane.
That bedroom is so beautiful!!
how I deal with it...I close my eyes...just kidding. I think i am pretty good at tidiyng, however, it there is some, it gets me in a bad mood. I think I am like you, in that I can't take it, and even if I am soo tired, I will take the time and put it away. Sometimes I just put it in a closet/meanwhile...every so often, i will shake and throw away things...drawers, covers, closets, etc.
there is nothing in this world as to be in or have HESTIA around.
I love the "creative high"! My last apartment was a small space to the max--it was ridiculous.
I'll definitely be checking back to see updates on this topic.
We just got a new kitchen and, while I'm anxious to put all my stuff away in its nice new home, I'm afraid to clutter it up. I'll take it slow...drawer by drawer. I'm sure as we unload the boxes there will be a lot of tossing going on.
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