A birds-eye view of the task ahead.......trim books stuffed in any available space, in any available angle. Oh my, where to start?

I thought it appropriate to begin the documentation with one of the classic standards of fine design--the Scalamandre label. Scalamandre is one of the finest high end trim and fabric houses in the industry. I recall one time that I was elated after finding the absolute perfect trim for a project I was working on, only to find out that the net cost was about $10,000.00 PER YARD (!) It had been created and woven for The Whitehouse! I went on to select another trim

One by one, I began opening each binder. As I tried to be objective, I started to see a small stack of "discards" begin to pile up. Others went in to a stack of "to be reviewed one more time", and still others went directly to the floor, my dumpster of sorts for the night.

100% silk tassels in lovely hues of blue and gray/green---so delicate and soothing.

Double-sided pleated velvet trim and this densely woven chenille and silk fringe. Oooooh!

Silk pom pom fringe in every color combination! Alternating values of the same color....soft, soft, soft! (Not so soft on the wallet, but worth every penny)!

Occasionally, I came across a book containing memories of a past project---like this one with a sticky note and price penciled in at $95.00 yd! This is a personal favorite and one that I have used for many projects. Yum.

Sometimes, it's just a beautiful color combination that speaks to me. This happy bright pink and green in assorted styles made the cut. (I admit to having a sentimental love for this one, these are the colors of my darling granddaughter, Bella's room.

This assortment combines fabulous color (subtle olivey greens) with multiple styles of interest. Look at the organdy ribbon fringe! Delightful on pillows and shams. The eyelash fringe (so named for it's delicate and short fibers) is one I love as well. Then there is the assorted ribbon, chenille and bead trim! And you must realize that each of these beauties come in 6 or 8 colorways!

SO thrilled when I found two of the same book! An easy discard for additional space!

Any book with the Kravet Couture label is worth a second look in my book! And look at the graphics they add to entice you! Kravet Couture speaks the language of style.
Do you love this sheer petal pink pleated organdy trim?! And check out the sweet beaded accompaniment. I could just imagine my sister, Denise, finding a use for this one on a gown. She once took one of my favorite silk drapery fabrics and made a prom dress for her daughter, Emily. Oh my! To die for.....the dress, and Emily!
The color is faded on this shot, but I wanted you to see the square beads and plaid flat braid trim. And what about this flat braid with tiny pom pom tassels. Lastly, the color combination is to die for!
I just love the detail in this tassel. The contrast in color and accent is fabulous too.
Yet another fine all silk tassel trim with the most sophisticated subtle pallet of butter and celedon. That Scalamandre has the touch.
I am sad that this one is so dark. The trim on the bottom is really cool rayon ribbon and the one at the top is panne velvet. Yes!
Not only pleated velvet, but what about these colors!! Is there no end to beauty?
This book brought back the fondest memories of the whole house project we designed for a darling client in Charleston, SC on the island of Sullivans Island. Many assorted wonderful trims were used on that project. A real keeper and fun to rethink.
These colors and the style combined just make me happy!
I couldn't possibly delete this giant rick-rack trim, or the beaded picot edge/rayon ribbon trim! And certainly not the frizzee fringe. Ah, the wonders of passementeries.
This collection feels as if it is begging to be in Michelle's scrap booking studio! So many ribbons and braids.
I just love the look of a new collection of trim books standing at attention and ready for the next big project! This set definitely made the cut.
This stack, on the other hand, did not! Bye bye!
So there you have it, a complete documentation of my editing and a peek at the final cast. I think I've saved the best and invite you to come browse for yourself and enjoy the true magic of passementeries! Come help yourself in a few weeks when I'm ready for company.
One more thought....I guess you can see why I haven't had many posts of late. That's the problem, I'm always home too late! This whole cleaning and moving thing is exhausting. I'm not promising things will get much better until the end of March, but I'll do m best.
You must love a challenge because tackling this project seems totally overwhelming to me. Also, I have never seen the word "passementeries" ever in my life. Crazy.
oh la la ....that is the magic, the true magic of passementeries....oh my....where is your dumpster....I would be hauling them all out! I love love pillows with trims and everything. quilts...oh my...oh my....where is pennsylvania? where is my plane...oh yeah, I am dreaming....good luck with all that hard work...and long long hours!
What a fun post! I quite loved getting a virtual glimpse at all those wonderful books. Ah, the pleated velvet!
I'm proud that you are able to have any objectivity about this at all, and I'm sure that Dad was thrilled about the dumpster action. (I admit to being relieved that the elephant trim didn't make the cut!)
This is what's so great about blogging...you have a place to document and remember the things you love. I am so overwhelmed for you! My goodness, you really weren't kidding when you said you had a lot of stuff to go through!
My favorites were the pleated velvet (I've never seen that before!--where have I been?)
I loved the organdy ribbon fringe and the silk pom pom in the chartruese (of course)
p.s. I'm in love with the pleated velvet.
Why do I feel resentlful that someone in the White House would order $10,000/yd trim?
What a pretty designs are.cant live without decorating thing.
decorating food,dress,home and decorating ornamental trimmings.I am working on trimmings business last 21 years.
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