I wanted to give you a closer look at the designer room walls, after the tape was pulled off! While there, measuring for the draperies , I snapped a few shots of the room to document the great effect.

This is the wall adjacent to the mantle wall, painted black! Note the painted ceiling, same color as the lighter stripe. One of my trademarks, painted ceilings. Yes!

And this is the wall looking into the dining room. Pardon all the mess! My blue tape is there for the cleanup, ladder and assorted chairs.....but overall, I really like the effect! More to come, but I can't promise what when I'll be able to add to the report, as this week is the final move week for the new design studio. How in the world both of these monumental projects happened at the same time....obviously, I left my head somewhere else...
Wish me luck!
I LOVE the finished paint job--looks fabulous!
I just hope you make it to my house alive next week. . . .
It looks great! I knew it would!
I forgot you're leaving next week!-So on top of the studio move, and the designer house you've got to get ready to go out of town!?
There's never a dull moment with you!
That's a huge pile of blue tape! The room looks beautiful so far.
It looks wonderful! I can never have white ceilings, thanks to you.
Painter, another thing to add to your ever growing resume! Looks great!!!
Love it. :-)
Thanks for this post! Tomorrow I'm painting inside our FIRST HOUSE, which we just closed on hours ago! We're excited, but I feared painting the ceiling grey like the walls... even though I, myself, also pride myself on not fearing color! Hehahe seeing your post gave me the boost I needed to go for it!
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