Unlike last night, when I began by telling you it the short, edited edition...and then posted umpteen photos, this one really is!

I painted the chest the lighter color of the stripe, including the hardware. The platters are some that I found at the Paris flea market last spring while visiting my daughter. The books, also from the Paris flea market offered a wonderful surprise when a stack of 8 or 9 very old letters fell from the pages! The envelopes are smaller than an index card, with the most beautiful califgraphy-like penmenship/manuscripts in chocolate and eggplant inks. No one writes with that beauty anymore. Of course, the letters were in French, but they were still fun to cast my eyes upon. I'm thinking that they would make a wonderful framed piece of art for the room.
I'll let you know, but they are a real treasure.
I got the idea to tuck one of the new linens that just came in into the drawer. These are the vintage linens from France that are remade and collaged, some with monograms added. I told you about them during my buying trip in January. They didn't disappoint me! You must stop in and see the fabulous selection.
The lamp is interesting as well. The shade is a natural gray linen and has a manuscript faintly written on it. The manuscript is Italian wedding vows! Oh, my.
I got rave reviews from all around, and I think the room will be a hit. With the difficult work behind me, it will be exciting to put the whole room together in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted!

Closeup of part of the acccessories. *note the old postcard from France, which also fell out of my book! I'm hoping it's still there tomorrow when I stop by to clean up the photo shoot set-up. I neglected to tell you that the letters dated back to the early 1800's! Treasures, indeed.
The designer house is going to be a good one this year. There is the main manor house (the one we are doing the living room another Victorian house , and multiple outbuildings , boutiques and gardens. The cafe will be catered by Jamie Hollander, YUM! Save the date.
And don't forget that you can get your advanced tickets at Black-eyed Susan...a full $5.oo less than at the door!
Start counting. See you there!
Looks gorgeous!!
Beautiful, I love it!! Can you come do my house?? The colors are delich... Can't wait to see the finished room.
I can't believe old postcards and letters fell out of your books! I might like those even better than the books -- I love the calligraphy and the colored inks. Treasures all around.
I'm glad the hardest work is behind you on that project.
(sigh) There you go--pulling it all together and being the belle of the ball!--
I love the color of the little chest--it turned out so nice!
You are one of the most attentive to details person I've ever known!
Every thing you do is amazing. I'm so into the stripes now. But if I had to do that, that would be the death of me.
I love how it's coming together! I wish I could see it in person.
What a treasure, indeed--letters and postcards from the 1800's! I have no doubt you'll find just the perfect way to display them.
Looks great!
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