The home team started the makeover today! Take a look.

Suzanne, homeowner/winner-Susan, designer-Ryan, son/cabinetmaker(today, painter!)-Fred (Sneelock) pharmaceutical professional/painter/can do it all!
At the end of the day, we had made great progress and Suzanne was in love with the color!
I think it's a go!
Cute self-portrait of the work crew!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Quietude!!!!! Thank you, susan, fred & ryan! Thank you so much! xoxoxo
EVERYBODY needs to paint their ceilings in-living-color, too. :-)
Lucky Suzanne!
Okay, you have my interest...what color is Quietude, please please show a picture!
I am looking forward to watching this project!
Yes, Jill...I am one of THE luckiest girls around. :-)
Janell...I've been thinking about you all day and you wanting to know the Quietude (Sherwin Wms.) I just couldn't post a comment while at work. If you look in Susan's previous post re "progress made", it's pretty much the color of the blue coverlet piece folded up on the bed. Shoot...How 'bout I just send you an email w/ some sneak-peek pics. ;-)
Everyone else, we made even MORE progress shopping tonight @ Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware in Princeton. Then off to Marshall's where I got to experience and witness Susan's master design mind at work. Unexpected finds for the room. What FUN! I will leave it up to her to post about.
THANK you so much, Susan - I know you're probably not even home yet. And thank you for the monogrammed notebook. xoxoxo Gee, maybe I should start a "spin-off" blog to your blog for this makeover...ha-ha-ha.
Correction on the color, janell - it's a couple of shades lighter than that.
Now that's a dream team if I ever saw one. Maybe if school gets too tought this semester, I'll just move out their and join up. =) Painting with Susan, Sneelock, and Co sounds much better than studying information systems and accounting right now.
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