12:30 am. Bread out of the oven and I'm off to bed!
Remember my bread debacle last fall---same bread, disaster! I posted how I saved the day by breaking it into pieces when it would not come out of the pan! So, here's the real beauty! Susan's sheepherder's bread, oh so good. I'm having a small dinner party Saturday night and this will be on the menu, in perfect form...this time!
Just to give you the scale of this loaf, it is baked in a dutch oven. It is about 13" in diameter and 14-15" tall! It's a showstopper,and best of all, it will feed at least 20 people! I guess you could call it "stylish bread"!
When time permits, I'll be happy to pass along the recipe if there is any interest. It's a keeper in my family.
Happy to have redeemed myself from the last attempt!
Yes! Such an impressive loaf.
It's gorgeous, I can practically taste it!
YUUUMMMM and Kudos on the bread success! I just emailed you a couple of minutes ago w/ some photos of the paint job and asked if you were going to blog about your dinner party. What timing! Thank you for sharing - that is one bread I'd love to try.
The bread looks fabulous and am sure is equally delicious! Would love to try it. Do not know what a dutch oven is!!!
master piece for sure, I wonder what it takes like...never have had a dutch oven pan....something to dream about now....
If bread really can be deemed stylish , this certainly fits the bill. Delicious. Congrats on redeeming yourself from the past. I love making something beautiful and delicious!
"stylish" bread. I like that, emily. :-)
Susan, when will you share the recipe? I've been wanting a dutch oven myself for a while. (Glad to read here that i'm not the only one w/out.)
Now that looks like trying!
Would love for you to post the recipe.
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