On the eve of Father's Day, I feel a debt of gratitude to my own father for the drive to work hard that I learned from him. I'm thankful that I enjoy working. I enjoy so much the creative work that I do, and am thankful daily that I am physically able to do the things that I am required and push myself to do. I believe that I inherited my love of work from my darling father, who at the age of 90 still mows his own lawn, prunes and gardens, shovels his own double drive and many times the neighbors, vacuums the house, harvests from his garden, and has a Face Book account!

This is one of my favorite photos of him taken in 1942. He is at his desk in a small apartment in Boston, Ma., where he attended MIT. That was several years before I was born. This handsome man worked his way through college entirely on his own. Born into a large family and being the last of 7, his parents died when he was a young boy. Raised by his brothers and sisters, he milked cows to earn his way through school. He was a successful student and graduated with honors, overcoming a lot of obstacles with drive and perseverance.
As a child, I never recall seeing my father sit in front of the TV. He worked all day at his office, or on the road traveling, came home and worked again, either repairing, building, or serving as a church officer. He was talented with his hands and a fine musician! And, like my own darling husband, he's a pretty good Sneelock!
My love of all things creative was instilled by him. My love of productivity was learned from him. My drive to push a little harder has certainly been passed down from him. If I can learn to give of myself, arise early and work through the day (and into the night), give selflessly of my time and talents, and be as tender as he is, I will have taken the best from his example.
I love you, Daddy. Happy Father's Day 2010.
So sweet. I have learned much about him by reading his personal history, I love that he was a musician and a dancer, an inventor, a leader, a good priesthood holder, and such a hard worker!
Ditto. And that's the truth. How did I get to be so lucky as to come to him?!
That is such a beautiful and inspirational story! Makes me wish I had a Dad growing up but I didn't. I had my older brother who showed me that there's so much more to fatherhood than the lessons our dad never showed us! He's the epitomy of a great dad and hard worker and that's what I'll always look up to!
I love your daddy's photo. How lovely. No wonder you and Denise are so beautiful inside and out. Lee
I love Grandpa so much. He truly is an incredible man, and I've also been reading his personal history, amazed at really how he worked and what he overcame to get where he is. Happy Father's Day to one of the men who have made my life and family all possible.
We are indeed blessed to have such a fine father! He's one of a kind, and I'll be forever grateful that he's ours.
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