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Anyone want theses foxes to guard your tree?

We also accepted that glitter really can go wrong.

Glittered branches, yes. Glittered boughs, yes. Glittered ornaments, yes. Even glittered shoes...but this is just wrong.
What we did find trending was beautiful gold ornaments and containers. Gold votives, pinecones, candlesticks and trays. And, gold jewelry is back, too!

There is also a trending towards pink, much to Linda's joy! We didn't order it because we don't think you will buy it, but sometime in the future when we open our jewelry store, we will deck the halls in pink!

We found a great new line of magnetic posting boards that can be customized and used from teen rooms to design offices to boy's dorms. So stylish!

(See that little herringbone one in the background?!)
Another great discovery, our Luminara flameless candles now come in tapers and two sizes of votives!! And, with remotes. One remote will work on all candles! My staff is going to love me during store opening and closing procedures. You're going to love it when we design a lantern for you filled with boughs, and interesting objects perfectly placed and you don't have to disturb it ! With your remote in hand, the design is preserved. Candle too high or too deep for your reach? The remote solves that problem. It was a good addition to a very successful product we currently carry.
Tomorrow we hope to do some more everyday buying mixed in with a bit more Christmas sourcing.
Stay tuned for more trend reports!
For now, I've got to make a shoe plan for tomorrow.
1 comment:
Hey Susan, I like that last framed saying. Question? Do you think that would be nice for the wedding, to have guests sign it? Or would that not be a good idea?
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