Calling all BES blog followers! Let's get some comments going!

Susan, waiting for more follower's comments. Note to self: always apply lipstick when taking late night self-portraits; avoid saggy side of face if at all possibl e.
Each day, I visit with my faithful shoppers, design clients, employees and fans! (I'm always surprised to find out I have fans.....) Almost daily someone tells me that they follow my blog and enjoy it. I'm always pleased to hear this.
Blogging is really rewarding. It is a way of documenting important events with photos and the written word. One can be entertaining, inspirational, funny, instructive, emotional, even thought provoking. One of the most interesting aspects of blogging is the interactive exchange between the commenters. It's easy and fun to participate and you will find that there develops a community of bloggers, of sort. We could have a party to meet everyone and share our common love of style!
So, here's how you do it!
After you have read the most recent post, click on the "comments". This will open all the comments that others have posted, or written. There is always an interesting exchange of opinions, ideas, suggestions and the like. At the end of the comment section, there is a place for you to post your comments!
Other bloggers can post using their google account information. Those of you without a google account can post as anonymous. Just type in your name. You'll love reading the other comments and when you begin to add your own, you'll feel like you are a part of the "club"!
The interaction is delightful and rewarding. Come join the club. Welcome.
Watch for: a) Exciting new projects just beginning; start to finish!
b) Everyday style sitings ( you'll always be surprised).
c) Bucks County Designer House--Susan's room!
d) Favorites from Black-eyed Susan new arrivals-Wow.

Newest favorite find: 100 Calorie York Peppermint Wafer Bar, YUM! Great late night snack. Why didn't I think of the "100 calorie pack" craze........try it, you'll like it! Sneelock included.
And, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
And, I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
I will definitely be looking for those York 100 calorie bars--they look fabulous!
I love your SP, and NO, you don't look old, silly!!
If you love low-fat chocolate mint snacks, Skinny Cow makes the best choco mint ice cream sandwiches!
I really enjoy this blog.
Thanks to you encouragement, I have entered the world of blogging and it has been almost life changing! Seriously...there's something about putting my thoughts and experiences mixed with pictures down into words on the computer that just makes me feel like I'm putting my life in order...perhaps that's not the best way to describe it, but it's been wonderful...Thanks for being one of my biggest fans...xo
You still look fabulous at the end of the day!
Your description of the rewards of blogging is spot on! Hey, maybe you could have an East Coast blog party -- we West Coasters always have a great time getting to know each other at ours...
I can't wait to try one of those York bars, yum!
I'm so happy to read that you'll be participating in the Designer House this year - I've volunteered as a hostess for the last several years and it's so much fun - the visitors are so nice and the designers are inspiring. Being a hostess means I can spend some time in one spot and really study what the designers are doing. It's a great education.
Can't wait to see what is comming! Still look fabulous at the end of a long day...was this before the york bar or afterwards? hehehhehee
Are you kidding? You have to call out for us commenters? ;)
I just recently started following blogs via friends I met on the internet on a certain decorating message board. But, Susan, i think yours is probably the first blog i ever visted before even knowing what blogging was. Duh. I was in your store (november 2007???) and signed the book for email updates...And there you were in my inbox. So here I am! Okay, now that i've overcome the commenting shyness, this is only fair warning: you may get sick of hearing from me. ;-)
Susan you are too funny. I love the photos you and Denise take of your faces. Everyone talks about your impeccable sense of style but no one ever comments about your funny sense of humor. I love that about you. Lee
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