My darling mother's birthday is today. I cannot leave the day without paying tribute to her style, beauty and wit. She taught, entertained, dressed and lived with style. She taught me the finest manners, gourmet baking skills, integrity, and the joy that come from service. She was my example in all things good and noteworthy. From her I learned to be a mother myself, work past the point of exhaustion , and find beauty in making my home a place I want to be. She taught through example and unconditional love. |
Although she has been gone for almost four years, her legacy to all who knew and loved her lives on and inspires us to want to be more like her. |
Mother, Dad and my sister Denise . Three of the finest people I know. |
In March the year before her death, I spent my birthday with her. This photograph of me shows the love in my heart for her as she was telling what she loved about me during the birthday celebration. I recall the words and her loving heart as she spoke. I miss her so much and continue to yearn to be the kind of woman she was. | | | | | | | | |
Happy Birthday, sweet Mother of mine.
This is a lovely tribute to your mother. It is clear that she was a very lovely and loving woman and mother.
My sweet friend, without ever meeting your mother I feel like I have known her for years. YOu know why? Because she is in you and in everything you do and you are an extention of her. I am blessed to know you and Denise and know that she is always by yourside guiding you, reminding you, teaching you and loving you.
God bless you dear friend.
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