While I was researching the pie recipe, I started my yeast proofing for buns that I would make first. Yeast breads are among my favorite things to bake. I always provide lunch for my staff the day of our annual Paris Flea Market, and this year I have a plan for a pulled pork sandwich. Home made buns would be perfect.
I made a double recipe of oatmeal rolls and this was the result! Yum. Weight Watchers took a little set-back when lunch time came around...
After the rolls came out of the oven, I prepared the peach pie to go in next. It's nearly impossible to get perfect peaches here...9-10 at a time, all in equal ripeness. I had been planning this for several days,but still had some that were not cooperating! The bottom crust ready, I sliced my peaches and piled them in the crust. I thought about laying them in some Martha Stewart-like pattern, but in between calls from the retail staff and a quotation that I had to get out , I decided against it. Who would know anyway, once the top crust was on?!
I found a recipe in a Denver Jr. League cookbook that looked like a winner. Also, not Weight Watcher worthy...it called for one cup of heavy cream, mixed in to sugar and flour. Can't go too wrong with a cup of heavy cream!
The end result...(I made a tiny one in a vintage pie pan for Sneelock) and the large one for my friend, Dom. It smells pretty yummy and I can just taste it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. I do think I still prefer chocolate cream however. I'm not sure this will ever make it into the favorites catagory. Enjoy,Dom!
I packaged a beautiful bouquet of roses that just came into the store for a dear friend who recently lost her sister to a brain tumor...also a bit overdue. I love these roses!
.....started some laundry. (Laundry is really hard to get to when one doesn't have a day off!)
....did some sorting for the Paris Flea Market....
Then, I mixed up my last gift of love and gratitude for the day, my personal favorite, mother's chocolate cream pie. Here it is in a water bath, cooling. Yum. Definitely, not a Weight Watcher's friend.
It was a pretty full day, but a rewarding one.
I neglected to photograph the kitchen prior to me digging in to clean it up. Now that really told the story of my day!
Now I think I need a make-up day to get over my make-up day. It was a great stylish day of being Suzy home maker.
I loved my day off.
Is it bad that reading this made me want a second dinner?? Glad you had a fun day off! And a yummy one at that! :)
I love all your recipes. I have printed them all out and have tried most of them. I'm sure everything turned out great. How lucky is your staff!
I will always prefer chocolate cream pie to just about anything!
I love that even your days off are filled to the brim.
That peach pie recipe sounds better than the one I made recently for Mim's birthday! Yum. But chocolate or coconut cream is my favorite. Lucas would be jealous of those oatmeal rolls for sure.
And I wonder if any other staff room has vintage silver forks??
Baking is a form of therapy for me as well. I love it, except for the cleanup, I totally relate to the need for staying home and doing something you love. Those rolls looked delish as well as the pies!
sounds like a great day ,pies look
delishous..is that how you rest???
Turn down chocolate cream pie?! Perish the thought!
I'm glad you got to have a therapy day at home. Sometimes I think I'll die if I can't just stay home and do homey things for a whole day.
Is that a sap bucket I see in the mix?!
I wish I could have come to your flea market sale! that *#@$% kidney stone got in the way!
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