It all started Monday! It's official, the Holiday set-ups have begun!
Monday, we set up Marilyn and Rocco's pad!! Marilyn entertained us all with her screams of delight and approval and her " can't get enough!" attitude! Two trees, a large foyer banister, dining room and family room mantle later......voila! Perfection!
I didn't get a photo of the Holiday perfection, but check out the perfection team!
Sharman (ever faithful picker, finder, recorder and runner), Marilyn in the middle. (I guess you can tell she's a bit of a fun gal) and Lisa, Black-eyed Susan fan and groupie! Great team effort!

One of two vans as we pulled up to the "servant's" entrance to riff-raff allowed (even if it is 18K worth of Christmas!!)

Van #2, containing one 8 foot ladder for the short staff (who, me?) and a 6 foot ladder for the normal crew.....Box after box of handblown glass ornaments in hot pink, champaign, chocolate, and ivory----breathtaking!

Susan shaping the top section of the first 10' tree. Whew! One down, 7 to go.......we set up three additional trees on each outdoor balcony! (More to come later.......)

These fabulously glamourous silk drapery panels were the inspiration for this tree! (Note the hot pink silk with silk ball fringe!) This tree was designed with hot pink shiny, matte and frosty ornaments punctuated by all shades of creamy accents. A vision of delight!
The second 10' tree was designed with chocolate matte, shiny, frosty, caramel, and champaign colored ornaments in all sizes and shapes. Glittery gold nests complete the look.
With one of my main designers suffering from an unexected bout of flu, we were in a bit of a frenzy the first day. But, my team really stepped up to the plate! 9 hours into the project, we packed up our toys and went home for the night. More of the show tomorrow.............
I really can't wrap my mind around 18k worth of Christmas!!
What? NO photos of the finished project? It's like a new form of torture...
p.s. NO shaping required?!! I can't believe it. It's a Christmas miracle!
That sounds like so much fun! Crazy, but fun! My favorite parts of the Thanksgivings you and Fred have been here has been the decorating frenzy of ornaments, tree-primping, and overall holiday excitement. I'm sad that we don't get to see you this year. :( Thank you so much for your encouraging comments on my blog. I feel the power of your prayers and love daily. I love you! Good luck on the set ups! (And I am quite impressed by the No Shaping Required tree. A Christmas miracle indeed!)
I'm not certain I have the faith required to pull off that Christmas miracle! A tree with no primping? . . . call me a skeptic.
Wish I was there to join in the frenzy.
Although I know it turned out fabuloso I do agree with Michelle, we must see the finished product! And I am all for No Shaping miracles,now if only me in my skirt were so fortunate!
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