Well, we're off bright and early for the first day of the Atlanta Market! Linda and I rose bright and early and felt quite proud of being able to get ready in a small 4 ft square bathroom (and all for $300.00 per night...), grab a Kashi cardboard (...oh, protein bar), and hit the sales floor running.

We were thrilled to hear right off the bat from an energetic sales manager giving a pep talk to his staff that , "butterflies are rock'in"! Please tell me that this will not be the theme of the market.

You know that I always like to document a few really spooky selections that obviously, other buyers are finding cool....for instance, these giant size Easter eggs...more like ostrich eggs. Oh, dear. And just check out the color. These will not be found on my sales floor. Why buys these anyway?

I guess the same buyers who are buying these GIANT hideous calla lily's...same bad color pallet.
Once again, NOT for Black-eyed Susan. Mercy.

First stop-our packaging source where they have the Black-eyed Susan bag out as a prototype! We selected new tissues for fall, ordered the new bags with the Holicong (yes Holicong) address on it, Christmas tissues and raffia ribbon. Then, we bid farewell to the 1 South Main Street address on our current bags. That was a little sad, really.

On the way to the first showroom on our list, we got distracted by a fabulous new jewelry vendor that was in a very unexpected showroom! Great style and great prices! Great find! I think you'll enjoy the new arrivals...I know I certainly will. Oh, yea.

Linda indulged me in some modeling photographs of some of the splashy new styles.

Great "little" bracelet...really, it's cute!

Companion necklace...I'm thinking my granddaughters will love this one! Not to mention Emily, my fashionista niece. Count me in for one too. Any other takers? Just give me a call!

And, I'll have to say that we were happy (not...) to find something in the "rock'in" category.
We spent the rest of the day selecting and ordering new accessories, furniture and lamps for the store, fought our way into the over packed elevator at the end of the day (not for the faint of heart or claustrophobic) and walked the few blocks back to our room and teeny tiny bathroom.
How is it that two of the most high maintenance buyers at the market end up with this gift?
Tomorrow, day 2 and another report. Stay tuned!
I am so relieved to see that you're not wearing heels to walk around in all day!!
Wish I were there. You two are too much fun. Love the feet photos. Lee
Butterflies are never rockin. I am immediately turned off of whatever they adorn. Love the jewel flowers, though!
Ha! Little does Jill know, those ARE heels!
Charlotte and I just saw some flower necklaces like that in a local store and we were admiring them. (and giant flower rings)
Please say that butterflies are not trendy! Say it isn't so.
I simply cannot do butterflies.
Agreed...about all of the butterfly comments! 100% no butterflies!
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