On the way home last night, I was kept awake by a phone call from my favorite sister, Denise! She lives in Mountain Standard time, 2 hours behind us. This sometimes makes for either late night or early morning conversations! Many of you have met her, as she comes for a yearly week of stress and 18 hour work days during our custom Christmas setups for Black-eyed Susan clients.
Denise is the ultimate helper, supporter, designer, entertainer, cook, and hard working best friend. Work is never boring when she's on the team, and I might say that there is no one that I would rather have on my team than her. There is virtually nothing that she can't do or come up with a solution for. As our Mother says, "she is so capable".
Denise is a costume designer and full time mother of 4. She also works as a project manager for a custom home builder in Denver. Yep, she's one busy woman!
We talk often and catch up on our busy lives, always yearning to live closer and work on the same team all of the time. I didn't mention that her other full time job is caring for our aging parents, which she does with loving tenderness and dedication.
She costumes several times a year for high school productions and does all of the costume design and much of the sewing herself. When I have remnants that stack up in the basement, I try to send them on to her. She always makes good use of them, sometimes in the form of Prom gowns, Christmas skirts, or in this case, a grand Wizard costume for her latest production!
I want to pass this photo on to you, pretty fitting as I just posted last night regarding the multiple choice fabrics that I love and treasure. While we were catching up on the phone, after a long crazy few weeks for the two of us on different fronts, she described the costume she had made of various half yard scraps that I had sent. Check it out for yourself!

She went into great detail to exclaim how the 100% silk fabrics make such an impact on stage, far greater than cotton fabrics. Yea, for scraps!! The pants are left over drapery fabric, as is the turban, the robe is made from an upholstery weight remnant! That is some costuming, Denise! Great use of some of my favorite leftovers!
I'll try to keep the fabrics coming. Great recycling. You are really good!
Wow, that IS amazing......they are lucky to have her to make the costumes, and you to have her as a sister!
She's pretty much amazing :) And even as her daughter, I don't think that anyone can think that I'm really that biased, because she really is that amazing!
Now THAT'S resourcefulness!!
Creativeness totally runs in your family!
I'm impressed that she could do that with smallish scraps! She totally is amazing.
Ah shucks--I'm so flattered by your glowing remarks and feel undeserving of such praise! The costume you really need to see, however, is the Prince's outfit, which collages five different remnants of yours into one costume. I'm disappointed my email didn't go through--I'll try again, or check my blog.
I so wish I could be there right now to help with your stressful move! Working alongside you--the Queen Worker Bee--is more fun than work.
I forgot to mention how dreamy your header is!!!!!!
I concur that to truly appreciate her genius in creativity you must see the costumes in person! I love being on Denise's team too!
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