Okay, here is the photo of my new hairdo.
No, I didn't want a new hairdo.
No, I didn't want a new hair color.
No, I didn't want to pay $300.00 for a new hairdo or new hair color......that I don't like.
(Sorry, Fred)While in the stylist's chair, I took note of what could be the outcome! I asked him, "just what color is this going to be?!" "Oh, just a little strawberry blond low lights!" he replied.
I am now a true redhead with a few blond highlights, AND I have short hair. Just look at those bangs! I'm not even sure you can call them bangs! Maybe some kind of thinnish fringy things.
Next time I have a client who says do anything, but no red living room, should I just go ahead and paint it red?
Hair woes, not many things worse.
And for the record, the sp actually makes it look a whole lot better than it is.
Hair woes rank right up there with "What's for dinner, Mom?" and "My tux for choir costs $150 and I need to pick it up tomorrow." Your photo doesn't look nearly as bad as I had imagined! I can't even tell that it's red, but I am laughing at your description of "thinnish fringy things." So sorry for the trauma--hair woes are the worst!
I don't think it looks bad! I can hardly tell that it's red at all. But I do know that it doesn't matter how much other people like it if you don't like it yourself. $300 is adding insult to injury! Did you tell the stylist that it wasn't to your liking? He should have offered a partial refund or a free fix or something...
Your hair isn't red, it just looks a little auburn! My kids will be soooo disappointed, they are expecting red hair like oh maybe Red Skelton or something!!! The cut is short but I was expecting something dikish (is that a word?)anyway don't forget my hair empathy, hair grows and color fades... You look just fine!
Oops - I'm just learning to do this so just want you to know taht comment was linda not anonymous!
I figured that one out at once! But I must admit that at first,and just be prepared, it looks way worse in person.......
I can't wait for your critique. And just when I finally had your approval.......oh well.
oh my my...when the photo is better than the actual outcome maybe there is something of hope in there!!! it looks incredible good, although if you are a blond or have been lighter tone in the past...is a hard thing to transiciĆ³n...Although what Michelle said it is true, hair has to do with soul...so I am sure with your talent and creativity, you will find the best ways to enhance it.
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