Well, it's almost over. The room is empty. The rug gone. The holes patched and painted. The furniture re-delivered back to Black-eyed Susan and my client. No more books. No more letters. No more buttons. No more pillows. No more sofas.....you get the picture.
We spent the day today packing, hauling, patching, vacuuming, painting, and occasionally being sad! At the end of the day, I took a look around and couldn't resist arranging the last few items waiting to be picked up from Designer Sales, into a more pleasing presentation than just "on the shelves"...see for yourself!

Making it cute for sold items waiting to be picked up....

Sad,sad,sad, very sad.

Until next year...
All in all, a very busy day. And, a little bit sad.
:-( Sad indeed. But...come to think of it...those swing-arm drapery poles and panels might just fit my BEDROOM windows. :-) :-D
Have a nice day!
I'm so glad I was able to go to see your beautiful room!--I was so proud to be your friend!:) It was so fabulous, Susan! I was listening to people's reactions when they saw it and everyone was oohing and awing over it as well...
You are nothing short of amazing!
Wait! Are you leaving that chandelier in the room??!
All I can say is, the future owners of that house are going to be lucky to have those beautiful striped walls and the striking black built-ins!
I can see how the strike-down would be sad for you.
:( That would be hard to take down everything you've worked so hard on. Michelle is right--the future owners are going to be pretty lucky to have those walls!
I loved working the room for the gala, it was so beautiful and when you stand in a beuatiful room that ony makes you look better too, right?! It is indeed sad to see it empty again and I still want that chandelier for my kitchen and those drapery rods for my family room!
Even when almost empty, the room is still beautiful!
Don't be sad Susan, just think, Christmas is just around the corner. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
PS I got your comments, it was my blog problem, I fixed it.
That is one lucky future owner!
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